Il Gondoliere Veneziano
Lenard Chamber Music Series

Tue, Feb 11, 7:30 pm  

Step into a Venetian gondola with baritone Holger Falk and journey through a song repertoire beloved by generations including Mozart, Goethe and Rousseau. Falk, well-known for his contemporary opera and recital work, is joined by the wonderful baroque Cologne ensemble Nuovo Aspetto, who supplies the delightful instrumental accompaniment with interludes by Vivaldi and Tartini. Merzouga, the sound art company, adds intriguing, captured soundscapes of Venice. Varied in character —singing of longing and love, of pride and revenge, of melancholy and the serene sky — Holger presents these canzoni with the right expression for every mood and for every matter of the heart.  The program’s premiere performance was at Hamburg’s Elbphilharmonie.

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