Thu, Mar 13, 7:30 pm
Join us for an intimate evening in Jorgensen Gallery with Chilean musician Nano Stern, who weaves together the fierce spirit of traditional Chilean revolutionary song with African and European elements to create a ground-breaking sound entirely his own. Hailed by folk legend Joan Baez as “the best young Chilean songwriter of his generation,” Stern brings a masterful command of multiple instruments, staggering vocal range and passionate advocacy to his fresh and relevant music. He nimbly blends Spanish and electric guitars, piano, violin and Andean and Nordic flutes into his music, while singing in Spanish and telling stories in English to give context to his songs.
Jorgensen Center invites you to a complimentary screening of
Nano Stern’s documentary “We'll be Singing by September”
(En Septiembre Canta el Gallo) in conjunction with this sold-out performance.
Documentary and Q&A
with Nano Stern:
“En Septiembre Canta el Gallo”
(“We'll be Singing by September”)
Wed, Mar 12, 6:30 pm
FREE ADMISSION (No Tickets Required)
Click HERE
for more information.
Media Sponsors: